07/29/2021 / By S.D. Wells
When you Google search for anything health-related, you’ll find mostly lies and distortions that work against you. But the ironic part is that when the damage from certain medications or vaccinations is so bad, they have to admit it. The cover-ups lasted as long as possible, and now we see, right out in the open: It’s just the tip of the iceberg of horrific health detriment the Covid vaccines are inflicting, so get ready.
Go ahead and ask Google what the emergency warning signs are of the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. Within just 6 to 13 days (that’s less than a week for many people), they become short of breath while suffering SEVERE headaches and abdominal pain. Oh, what could it be? What could be causing this intolerable pain that doesn’t go away? Is this the body’s reaction to something horrible happening inside it? Is the human body trying to purge this newfound poison inside the blood by attacking its own cells?
Let’s ask Google more questions.
Hey Google, what should we do if we can’t breathe right, walk, or think right after we get the J&J Covid vaccine? “Contact your physician to be assessed for treatment required for this type of blood clot.” Ok, sure. We’re talking about headaches like you never experienced before. Worse than migraines. Unbearable stomach pain. Shortness of breath. Panic. Off to the doctor you go!
“So doctor, we just got vaccinated, and we want to know how many blood clots we have due to the Covid jabs… is it one blood clot, hundreds, millions, billions, or trillions? Will the diagnostic tests show them, because we heard not, that you must use a blood smear to see how many?” These MDs are scared to death to run blood smears and show you, because they don’t want to see it themselves. Then everybody would know.
Google: “Patients who’ve had the Janssen vaccine should seek immediate medical attention if they develop shortness of breath, chest pain, leg swelling, persistent abdominal pain, neurological symptoms including severe or persistent headache or blurred vision, or petechiae beyond the site of vaccination.” By the way, petechiae are those little red, flat spots that show up on your skin, letting you know you’re bleeding underneath (think clogged capillaries here).
Google goes on to explain: “After receiving the J&J/Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, there is risk for a rare but serious adverse event—blood clots with low platelets (thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome, or TTS).” Here’s where that explanation is a trick. A cover up. Notice how it does NOT say the risk is rare, but rather that the type of blood clot is rare, making the vaccine even more guilty, since this is happening a week or so after getting injected. The risk of getting these blood clots is not rare, in fact, it’s happening all over the world, but the CDC and American Mass Media are covering all that up.
In fact, this is what the shots are intended to do – clot human blood with trillions of protein molecules that stick together in your arteries, veins and capillaries. That’s a high risk for very rare and deadly blood clots, meaning you most likely wouldn’t have got them if you never got the Covid vaccine.
The vaccine manufacturer and scientists at J&J-owned Janssen Pharmaceuticals already knows all of this, as they saw it happen in the clinical trials, where people developed cerebral vein thrombosis with thrombocytopenia.
Doctors are influenced not to draw attention to these blood clot cases as it might cause “vaccine hesitancy,” which means people will figure out that it’s the vaccines that are what’s so deadly about the Covid pandemic, much more than the virus itself. The vaccines ARE the pandemic. Still, these doctors are being overwhelmed by the decimated, “mysterious” health collapse of their patients, and just can’t seem to pinpoint (pun intended) the root cause, so they run all sorts of expensive diagnostic tests (that they profit from), and send you packing with some more deadly prescription drugs to temporarily relieve you of some of your pain and suffering (to no avail).
Blood thinner won’t save you this time. Even Google will tell you that. Blood thinners are anticoagulants, but they won’t save anyone from the “rare” types of blood clots caused by who knows how many of the 6.85 million U.S. sheeple doses of the J&J dirty jabs made in dirty labs. Do all the vaccines cause blood clots, but we’re just too soon to see the carnage widespread?
The CDC is reviewing “data” involving all these blood clot cases that are so “rare” and coincidentally happen a week to ten days after the fake inoculations for China flu. People are dying from this, and it’s on record at the CDC. They know it. Serious thrombotic events are being shrugged off as “platelet-activating antibodies” and “a type of protein” for which using blood thinners will be harmful.
That begs the question of whether every single person in America who is on blood thinner right now–and we’re talking 8 million people–will they be the first to die when the blood-clot wave hits? Should they have even been given the Covid shot to begin with? Talk about the dangerous and haphazard mixing of medications and treatments.
Natural health advocates know better than to take toxic jabs from pharma goons, but if you know someone who already got pricked with the blood-clotting Covid inoculations, and they’re suffering from lethargy, pain, clouded thinking, that’s called CoVax Syndrome, so tell them to report it to VAERS. Also, check out Pandemic.news for updates on these crimes against humanity and the upcoming “Delta” and Covid “booster-vaccine” Holocaust.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Big Pharma, covid death, covid vaccine, J&j blood clots, j&J vaccine, mRNA blood clots, pharmaceutical fraud, vaccine blood clots, vaccine death, vaccine injury