News & Articles By Tracey Watson
By Tracey Watson
Physicians offered cash bribes to achieve 63% immunization rate of children while pushing anti-science flu shot propaganda
If you’ve ever wondered why your doctor is always so keen to encourage your family to get the flu shot every year, you can stop wondering, because the answer is very simple: Money. Activist Post is reporting that the Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Blue Care Network of Michigan publishes an annual report openly declaring how […]
By Tracey Watson
Big Pharma’s toxic drugs will kill over 45,000% more people than global warming by the year 2100, scientists discover … Media SILENT
A study by researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill has sent shock-waves across the globe with its finding that over 260,000 people will die prematurely by the year 2100 because of air pollution triggered by global warming. The “catastrophic man-made global warming” alarmists love these kinds of studies, of course, […]
By Tracey Watson
Cannabis remains outlawed in the UK to protect the profits of Big Pharma
In the USA, more and more states are legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana. In fact, according to the website, 29 states have now passed laws permitting either the recreational or medical use of marijuana, and in some cases, both. This is excellent news for those who have fought long and hard to decriminalize […]
By Tracey Watson
Pharma-controlled Journal of the American Medical Association waging full-scale attack on Vitamin D in effort to push flu shots for toddlers
A recent headline in the U.K.’s Daily Mail boldly declares, “Vitamin D will NOT protect your child from a cold: Myth-busting study says ‘more isn’t always better’ to help toddlers stay healthy.” This disingenuous headline infers that vitamin D has no protective effect against colds and flu. In fact, the study it goes on to […]
By Tracey Watson
Link confirmed between antidepressant use during pregnancy and autism risk in newborns
A recent study by researchers from the University of Bristol, England, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), is likely to cause great concern among pregnant women worldwide. Though the study’s authors have tried their best to downplay their findings, their research has revealed that children exposed to antidepressants during pregnancy are at higher risk […]
By Tracey Watson
Man reveals how taking antidepressant drugs made him kill his own son
If you know more than 10 people, you almost certainly know at least one person who is taking an antidepressant. A 2011 report by Harvard Health found that one in 10 Americans was taking an antidepressant, and among women in their 40s and 50s, that number escalated to an astounding 23 percent. While those statistics […]
By Tracey Watson
Pharma-influenced researchers now claim diabetes patients should also be put on cardiovascular medications
If you are one of the 29 million Americans who has been diagnosed with diabetes, you are likely aware of the severity of the condition. Since diabetes interferes with your body’s ability to regulate insulin levels and leads to a buildup of glucose in the blood, it causes nerve, blood vessel, heart and kidney damage. […]
By Tracey Watson
High priced anti-viral drugs do NOTHING to prevent hepatitis C, study finds
The word “hepatitis” refers to inflammation of the liver, and can have several causes, including heavy alcohol use, exposure to toxins, or a bacterial or viral infection. There are three different types of viral infections: hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, which are caused by different viruses, and have different methods of transmission. Among […]
By Tracey Watson
Victoria, Australia has mandated that children should see a doctor at least once a week to receive drugs and medical treatment without parental consent
A $43.8 million (about $33 million U.S. Dollar) state-run initiative called “Doctors in Secondary Schools” has been rolled out in the state of Victoria, Australia. This program promises to “fund general practitioners (GPs) to attend up to 100 Victorian government secondary schools up to one day a week to provide medical advice and health care […]
By Tracey Watson
Flu shots found to be totally USELESS for overweight people, yet immunization propaganda claims they work for everyone
While the media and society, in general, are hyper alert to the need to respond to outbreaks of diseases like Ebola, there is an epidemic that is rife across the United States, which continues to spread with very little done to halt its progress. Obesity, which according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention […]
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