News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Ask yourself: Why are there no prescription medications without horrific side effects?
The reason there are no prescription medications available today where the side effects aren’t worse than the ailment being treated is because Big Pharma will not treat or heal anything without creating several new issues that keep their “customers for life” coming back for more. Most Americans do not want to stop eating junk food, […]
By S.D. Wells
Are you allergic to peanuts, dairy, latex, MSG, mercury or infected African green monkey kidney cells? Then reconsider what’s in vaccines
The basic fundamental concept of how a vaccine works is homeopathy based, thus treating disease by minute doses of natural substances that, in a healthy person, produce the systems of disease. There’s one massive problem with inoculations in this regard. Today’s immunizations not only contain some natural ingredients, but they also contain the most bizarre, […]
By S.D. Wells
Do you use Kleenex tissues? Top seller now guilty of adding skin-corrosive detergent Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
In America, there is always some toxic medicine for every ailment that can “help” things get worse. The flu shot can assist you in getting a worse case of the flu the following year. Children’s cough syrup often contains toxic food coloring and aspartame – one of the world’s most dangerous food additives ever. Chemotherapy […]
By S.D. Wells
Get “versed” on the dangers of the highly experimental HPV vaccine before Merck brainwashes you or your children with propaganda
The manufacturers of one of the biggest vaccines scams ever created want your children and teenagers to think it’s hip to get injected with genetically modified organisms that have caused over 140 deaths and more than 10,000 adverse events, including loss of muscle use, seizures, and anaphylactic shock. Yes, we’re talking about Gardasil, the vaccine […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 MASSIVE doctor mistakes and hospital errors that cost you stress, money and possibly your life
You can’t argue or even discuss health and medical topics with Americans who believe every word that comes out of a medical doctor’s mouth as the holy grail of advice. And then there was Dr. Farid Fata, the Detroit area oncologist, who was sentenced to 45 years in prison for administering chemotherapy on healthy patients, […]
By S.D. Wells
Health Basics QUIZ: Which has killed more Americans, all U.S. wars put together or prescription drugs?
Which is more dangerous, fighting in a war, or returning from a war and taking experimental prescription drugs for PTSD and pain? Since the war in Afghanistan, where insidious politicians auspiciously helped opium production levels rise to astronomical rates, heroin has become the root of many prescription drugs that Americans find themselves not only addicted to, […]
By S.D. Wells
Cancer is CAUSED by chemicals, so why on Earth would you use chemicals to fight it?
Americans are scared to death of cancer, and righteously so. Mutated cells that multiply uncontrollably can take over organs, including the most complex organ in the body, the brain. Nearly half of all Americans will get some form of cancer in their lifetime, and approximately half of those victims will die from it. Or will […]
By S.D. Wells
Pet vaccines are costly, toxic and dangerous – no WONDER pets die earlier now
Could it be that most of your pet’s health problems are due to vaccines? Let’s examine the consequences of over-vaccinating your pet, and the pragmatics of this type of healthcare as it affects the pet and your bank account in ways you never imagined possible. Little did you know that pet vaccines create more problems […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 ways to get deathly sick that no medical doctor will be able to solve
Just because the United States is very advanced as far as industry, military and technology are concerned, this is in no way reflected by the corrupt medical and food industries, that are in the business of making innocent people sick and profiting off their perpetual (and virtually useless) chronic symptom care. It’s ironic that people […]
By S.D. Wells
America: Home of the HUMAN LAB RATS … Why prescription medications are mostly unsafe chemical experiments that worsen overall health
Most people think it’s completely normal to take prescription medications, believing that our bodies need synthetic, lab-made chemicals to balance or help control bodily functions or biological processes that aren’t performing properly. What other choices do we have, after all? Put it this way: Medical doctors go to college for eight years to learn how […]
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