News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Opiate-based drug addiction and dealing prescription meds on the streets is easy to perpetuate – you just fake pain, get prescribed, use, sell, then repeat
Most people think the biggest drug problems in the USA have to do with crack-heads, coke-heads, and meth-heads, but they would be wrong. There are 101 ways to lie to a medical doctor and convince them you’re suffering from pain, including physical or mental anguish, and get prescribed, over and over again, the most addicting, […]
By S.D. Wells
Bill Gates and the World’s Elite DO NOT VACCINATE their own children… and for good reason
The absolute worst medical decision a parent of a newborn child can make is to allow doctors and nurses to severely compromise the immune system of their infant by injecting him or her with known neurotoxins, foreign proteins, and carcinogens like mercury, formaldehyde, monkey kidney cells, pig viruses, and genetically modified cells from human abortions. […]
By S.D. Wells
Merck’s original “Ecstasy” now a deadly mixture of cocaine, heroin, LSD, and rat poison, sold as party drug “MDMA”
Just before WWI began, an evil pharmaceutical firm you may have heard of called Merck accidentally developed a psychotherapy drug that was originally supposed to serve as an appetite suppressor for soldiers, but it failed miserably. That drug later served other purposes. After World War II, the U.S. Army used MDMA for their psychological warfare testing, […]
By S.D. Wells
Exactly WHY hemp has been ILLEGAL for 50 years in the USA
Hemp is a very durable, renewable, and sustainable natural fiber that functions as a raw material for thousands of products. The problem? Hemp undermines massive capitalistic, monopolistic industries that don’t want any competition, so the U.S. government has pretended that hemp is the same thing as pot that you smoke to get high, and they’ve […]
By S.D. Wells
American medicine has become one big chemical drug vending machine
Ironically, the same Greek mathematician who invented the syringe 2,000 years ago also created the very first vending machine. Some of the oldest vending machines dispensed holy water in Egyptian temples, but these days mostly what you get is sodas and junk food snacks. It only makes sense that most vending machines dish out junk […]
By S.D. Wells
MORE DANGEROUS than a nuclear weapon, Fentanyl – the heroin-based prescription painkiller – could be the next WMD
Opioids are the class of pain-relieving drugs made from the illegal and deadly drug heroin. Fentanyl is by far the most dangerous, but you’ve certainly heard of some other popular ones, including oxycodone (a.k.a. Oxycontin), hydrocodone (a.k.a. Vicodin), morphine and codeine. Fentanyl is so strong that just a few too many milligrams can cause a […]
By S.D. Wells
The Medicated Majority – Democratic leadership now constitutes a cabal of senior citizens suffering from Alzheimer’s and severely damaged IQs from Big Pharma drugs
Just listen to Nancy Pelosi talk and she sounds like a drunk about to fall off her bar stool at 1:30 a.m., just before the bars all close. She slurs her words as they all seem to run together, and she gets simple facts all jumbled up, losing her train of thought frequently, and simply […]
By S.D. Wells
SIDE EFFECT SYNDROME – Why all prescription medications cause horrific health problems that are often worse than the condition being treated
Millions of Americans are taking prescription medications just to deal with the side effects of their other prescription medications. This latest epidemic has been termed “S.E.S.” for Side Effect Syndrome, and it’s no joke. Understanding why all prescription medications are made in laboratories using chemicals is key to comprehending the root cause of S.E.S. and […]
By S.D. Wells
USA tops charts for WORST health outcomes of all industrialized nations with 70% of Americans taking experimental prescription drugs
In some countries, doctors are paid bonuses for healing their patients, or they’re not even paid at all until the patient becomes well. In the United States, doctors are paid by Big Pharma to peddle experimental drugs made with chemicals in a laboratory that cause side effects that are worse than the conditions and symptoms […]
By S.D. Wells
NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION ALERT: Zoster Shingles vaccines and non-seasonal flu vaccines are NOT COVERED by the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program
In the 1980s, after a series of very serious lawsuits against vaccine companies from healthcare providers due to vaccine injuries, the CDC, in cahoots with vaccine manufacturers, created the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) so that no vaccine maker could ever be sued again. From that date forward, if any U.S. person was injured by […]
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