News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine ingredient warning: Ethyl mercury in vaccines 50 times more toxic than methyl mercury in fish
Did you know that mercury in vaccines is not the same as the mercury in fish? While both are toxic to humans, the mainstream medical establishment would have us all believe that the ethyl mercury in vaccines is no big deal when it is actually 50 times more toxic than the methyl mercury found in […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: New “KraveBurger” contains cells from monkey kidneys, infected pigs and human abortions – just kidding, those are common vaccine ingredients
Tens of millions of Americans put 100 percent faith in medical doctors, modern medicine and all the advice that comes with the Allopathic style of treating symptoms. The same goes for their faith in popular brands of food. Consumers assume the FDA would not allow companies and corporations to put dangerous chemicals, pesticides, and known […]
By S.D. Wells
Was the Virginia Beach “shooter” taking psych meds? Anti-depressants make males MORE AGGRESSIVE after a period of time
Why are so many Americans mentally unraveling as of late and turning guns on innocent people and then themselves? It’s genocide in America by serial homicide–suicide. Did you know SSRI drugs are like energy drinks with the worst, long-term hangover, also known as chronic depression? These dangerous pharmaceuticals reduce the amount of serotonin reaching the […]
By S.D. Wells
MEDICAL ALERT: Vaccine “excipient” summary exposes mercury, human abortion serum, and monkey kidney cells are STILL used in childhood vaccines, while CDC lies to America
The CDC claims that mercury was removed from all childhood vaccines 20 years ago, but thimerosal is 50 percent mercury by weight, on average, and it’s listed on nearly every influenza vaccine (flu shot) and also the DTaP, so, you were saying? They also claim it’s “safe when used as a preservative” in vaccines, but […]
By S.D. Wells
Prescription drugs in America are completely USELESS for long-term health “fixes”
When a medical doctor prescribes drugs for symptoms, those warning signs may “go away” for a short while, but the root of the problem always festers. That’s because nearly all medications are chemically concocted in a laboratory and then “assigned” to bad health symptoms, and are doing nothing more than sweeping the “dust” and “germs” […]
By S.D. Wells
MEDICAL SHOCKER: MMR vaccine dangers exposed by FDA study
Care to purposely give your 3-to-4-month-young baby gastrointestinal illness and upper-respiratory distress? Up your chances of sickening your child with these serious health crises by 40 – 60 percent, simply by getting a nurse or doctor to inject the so called “safe and effective” MMR vaccine. Yes, the Measles, Mumps & Rubella shot, or choose […]
By S.D. Wells
The 9 most experimental and dangerous toxins in food and medicine today – are these flooding and infecting your organs, blood and brain?
One of the scariest aspects of today’s food and medicine is the fact that much of it contains poison that remains in our bodies for years, affecting our health, our thoughts, our ability to regenerate cells and our ability to reproduce the most incredible offspring. Some toxins in food and medicine, like mercury and aluminum, can […]
By S.D. Wells
Pharma’s message: Hey America, eat anything you want, because you’ll be rescued by drugs, heart surgery, and chemotherapy
In certain ways, Western medicine is a miracle. If you suffer a compound fracture or some horrendous deep wound, you can be rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and have a surgeon reset your bones and sew you up quick, and maybe even save your life in the process. Or, should you have so […]
By S.D. Wells
VACCINE INSANITY: Multiple strains of deadly pig virus discovered in Rotavirus oral vaccines with no legitimate reason for their use
Isn’t it bad enough that today’s vaccinations contain neurotoxins, extreme allergens, genetically modified organisms, and DNA from abortions? Do we really need to find out that a popular childhood vaccine that’s highly recommended by the CDC contains two strains of a rare and deadly virus that’s killing pigs by the thousands in China? Why the […]
By S.D. Wells
One of the most dangerous inventions in the HISTORY of public health – VACCINES
One of the biggest contentions about the so-called “safety” of vaccines is that even though most people are aware that there are many known toxins in them, those carcinogens are only delivered in “miniscule” amounts, so it’s not dangerous. This is a huge misconception that’s been perpetuated since the advent of medical “injections.” Here’s why […]
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