News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
CNN pushes Delta Variant as SUPER SCARY, claiming teenagers and kids need the dangerous, blood-clotting, heart-inflaming covid vaccine
It’s twice as deadly and a-hundred-times as contagious as Covid-19, explains a vaccine-making shill on the Counterfeit News Network. Run for your lives, the Delta Variant is coming! Return to your chemically-disinfected “safe” homes, lock yourself down forever with lots of toilet paper and anti-bacterial everything, and be sure wear your mask at all times, […]
By S.D. Wells
Horrific vaccine “adverse events” BEFORE & AFTER Covid-19 jabs, right from the CDC’s very own vaccine injury tables
From the sound of it, vaccines are like biological weapons that destroy human health and should all be completely banned until proven safe and effective by multiple independent labs running vigorous tests and extensive clinical trials. Within hours and days of being injected with harmful substances, recombinant DNA, mRNA and genetically mutated viruses, human beings, including […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid “Delta Variant” is just a fancy name for vaccine injury
Just take out the Marxist playbook and turn to the next page, where the “Delta” variant of the China-disease ‘scamdemic’ is now to blame for every upcoming death caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. Beware of the “Delta variant” and the “Beta variant,” but still get the Covid-19 vaccines, if you haven’t, they’re telling everyone. So […]
By S.D. Wells
Vaccine Remorse hits America
Just like buyer’s remorse after you spend a lot of money on a product that you realize you don’t want, and should not have acquired, millions of Americans are experiencing vaccine remorse after getting jabbed with central nervous system disrupting, blood clotting, dirty Covid-19 vaccines. For many others, the remorse is for their relatives, friends, neighbors […]
By S.D. Wells
Permanent “lethargy syndrome” and long-term loss of motor skills now common “side-effects” of Covid-19 vaccines
Plain and simple, lethargy is a lack of enthusiasm and energy, but what causes it? It could just be normal response to stress, overworking, lack of a good night’s rest, or even lack of nutrition. Everyone is familiar with feeling sluggish and weak, but not permanently, immediately following inoculation with the Covid-19 vaccines. This is […]
By S.D. Wells
Nearly 1,000 EXPIRED Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines stabbed into the arms of now-altered humans at NYC Times Square “event”
That’s right folks, step right up to the biggest circus in the world, and be amazed by the magical, mythical virus killer, so let’s get a big round of applause for… New York City “Vaccine Command Center” (endless applause ensues). Close to 900 sheeple lined up at Times Square to “experience” an event that featured […]
By S.D. Wells
Just two investment firms – Vanguard and BlackRock – own nearly the entire mainstream media and most of Big Pharma, too
The War is in full swing right now, make no mistake about it. We are in the trenches, defending our rights as natural health advocates, to not be jabbed with dangerous, highly experimental vaccines against our will. We are at a crux, and the psychological warfare “game,” should you lose it, has real consequences, including […]
By S.D. Wells
BEWARE: Nucleic acid vaccines use a GENE GUN that forces mutated code into your cells to create protein prions that clog your blood
Did you know that hundreds of Covid-19 vaccines are now in production? Oh, wait, you thought you could just get two vaccines, and maybe a booster jab later, and be done with this whole pandemic thing? You are dead wrong. If you don’t continually get every single vaccine the CDC mandates, then your Covid passes […]
By S.D. Wells
Suffering from VAX-CLOT? New blood-clotting disorder is sweeping the globe
Scientists around the world are discovering that the Covid-19 vaccines are causing the recipients to develop deadly blood clots, and all three inoculation manufacturers are getting “thrown under the bus” for this worldwide epidemic. One blood expert in Germany says a preservative in the AstraZeneca jab, EDTA, when it combines with stray proteins, is directly […]
By S.D. Wells
PERVERTED INOCULATIONS: Hey young adults, smoke a free joint and chew on free cannabis edibles while you get injected with blood-clotting, heart-inflaming, “dirty” Covid-19 vaccines!
Just like perverted clowns at a freak circus trying to lure your children away from you with candy and a crooked smile, the CDC and the vaccine industrial complex are getting a $10 billion dollar infusion from the Biden Regime for marketing and advertising all the deadly, blood-clotting Covid vaccines to children as young as […]
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