News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
NBA Hawks’ team managers tell player Brandon Goodwin to keep his MOUTH SHUT about blood clots from Covid-19 vaccine that ended his season and maybe his career
Just recently, NBA star Brandon Goodwin described the aftermath of the Covid-19 clot shot that he received, saying, “I got sick and never quite recovered from it.” He also says after the jab he always had back pain and suffered lethargy, even during the basketball games. Goodwin’s entire vascular system is flooded with sticky spike […]
By S.D. Wells
You can’t make this up: CNN’s HOME PAGE pop-up advertisement is for an injection for joint pain that also compromises your immune system’s ability to fight infection
Any natural health advocate knows better than to allow a quack doctor to prescribe them some medication that’s advertised on television or a mainstream media website, using common sense to figure out that the side effects alone are often worse than the condition being “treated.” That means the filthy-rich pharmaceutical companies that make those dangerous, […]
By S.D. Wells
If people being killed by spike protein vaccines in the name of “science” is deemed GOOD, then why is there so much opposition to prescription opioid deaths?
Today, if you do not want to be injected with billions of toxic spike prions supposedly designed to ward off a bad case of Covid, then you are deemed “anti-science” by all of mainstream media, 50 percent of Americans, and of course, the CDC. You must be against “science” entirely to deny that the Covid […]
By S.D. Wells
PROJECT VERITAS exposes BIG PHARMA: Pfizer Scientist Nick Karl confronted with his admission on video that natural immunity is better than vaccines
It wouldn’t make sense in a military battle to get out of an armored tank and walk around on the battlefield swinging a stick. In the same light, during this pandemic battle, it makes no sense to get a next-to-useless Covid vaccine after establishing powerful, long-lasting natural immunity to Covid-19. That’s why even the scientists […]
By S.D. Wells
SPIKE PROTEIN SYNDROME: WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots
Nearly every single natural health advocate knows that you don’t look on WebMD for answers to health-related questions; however, occasionally they shoot themselves in the foot with their own ‘customer-for-life’ backlash, as is happening right now under their user reviews for the dirty, deadly Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Covid vaccine. WebMD pushes anything that’s made in a […]
By S.D. Wells
BUSTED: Covid vaccines aren’t really vaccines at all, just deadly “genetic agents” that provide less than 1% virus transmission reduction
It comes as no surprise to the Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers that severe and chronic health detriment comes from injecting synthetic pathogens, and their producers, that flood human blood, organs and tissues with trillions of toxic spike proteins. When the human body is catapulted into this severely compromised state of shock and defense, it becomes very […]
By S.D. Wells
Every death caused by Covid vaccines will be blamed on “Covid”
Oh, let us count the ways the insidious vaccine industry is already running cover for the mass wave of vaccine-induced health carnage caused by spike protein injections, all administered under the guise of ‘inoculation.’ We start off with a new, fake science, vaccine-industry-backed “UK study” that claims catching Covid-19 causes blood clots, and of course […]
By S.D. Wells
How is it that vaccines suddenly STOP WORKING when the unvaccinated come near the vaccinated?
Vaccine manufacturers claim all their vaccines stop working when some people don’t get them, so imagine if blood pressure medication stopped working because other people didn’t take it. That would mean that anyone on heart medication would be at high risk to go out in public near anyone who wasn’t taking the same heart medication, […]
By S.D. Wells
“Long Covid” is Fauci’s code phrase for long-term vaccine damage
According to Anthony Fauci, who flip-flops Covid safety advice nearly daily, a new syndrome has arrived called “long COVID,” and it’s a whole series of long-term health conditions caused by the Covid vaccines, but blamed on the virus. These “conditions” including fatigue, shortness of breath, and loss of senses, including smell, taste, sight and hearing. […]
By S.D. Wells
Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine “protection against virus” drops stunning 84% just four to six months after “fully vaccinated” SECOND DOSE of blood-clotting mRNA injection
Is everybody ready to get dangerous, blood-clotting mRNA jabs at least three times a year, or more? Wait, you didn’t know that “fully vaccinated” only means you’re partially protected for 4 months? Time to look at the science, real close, and start weighing out risk versus benefit, because from over here where natural health advocates […]
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