News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Another vaccine-induced blood clot? Female pro golfer Nelly Korda DARE NOT say the “V” word when speaking about her blood clots
Another “vax clot.” Another healthy celebrity with a near-death experience who dare not speak of the Fauci Flu jab or reap the backlash from the entire mass media complex of the USA. No one dare say “vaccines” after a strange, unfounded blood clot rears its ugly head, especially if you’ve reached celebrity status, or the […]
By S.D. Wells
History Lesson: There were more DEATHS caused by the SMALLPOX VACCINE than by the virus itself
The easiest way for the vaccine industry to sell the world on the most dangerous form of “medicine” is to erase the history of its dismal performance, and the data that reveals the risks far outweigh the benefits. Let’s dial it back to the true data about smallpox that was registered in official reports with […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 “COMPLICATIONS” linked to Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J COVID gene mutation injections
There’s only one reason people would accept high risk of getting injured or killed by a “vaccine” as a tradeoff for a virus that only kills .01 percent of the population. That reason is that they have no idea just how dangerous the jab really is. People all over the world who are prone to […]
By S.D. Wells
MINDBLOWING: Pfizer ADMITS in own documents it likely can’t demonstrate sufficient efficacy or safety of its COVID-19 vaccines to get permanent use approval
It is a sad state of affairs when the leading manufacturers of vaccines confess that their own favorite mantra of “safe and effective” means nothing and has been fabricated as propaganda to push their dangerous experiment solely for profits. This is not some rogue doctor’s opinion, or some journalists spreading “misinformation,” but rather the manufacturers […]
By S.D. Wells
Clot shot “vaccines” create BOOM in blood clot removal industry
An arterial embolism is a deep blood clot that requires hospitalization and costs about $100,000 or more because it requires bypass surgery. There is an entirely NEW revenue model from blood clots caused by the COVID “vaccines,” and Big Pharma companies are not only taking advantage of the profit scheme, but may have known it […]
By S.D. Wells
Not just another tracking device: Hand-implanted MICROCHIP includes ANTENNA used for tracking payments, people and possibly nanoparticles from COVID-19 injections
The new “bio-safe and secure” implantable microchip called “Walletmor” is for sale right now by a London-based company, and it’s mainly used for contact-less payments for consumer goods, but is there much more to it than that? About the size of a grain of rice and weighing about one gram, the miniscule microchip also contains […]
By S.D. Wells
CLONE WARS: Inside the blood of the mRNA vaccinated, toxic spike proteins are causing tissue damage FOREVER
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) never told Americans that spike proteins are pathogenic proteins that continue to be created forever, so everyone being “inoculated” with mRNA technology will have billions of toxins in their bloodstream their entire lives, according to viral immunologists. Another myth spread by the CDC is that mRNA injections […]
By S.D. Wells
Putin does NOT inoculate his troops with deadly mRNA vaccines, they use vector vaccines only
Many people do not understand the difference between viral vector vaccines and mRNA injections, and therefore would not understand why Russian President Vladimir Putin would never risk injecting his military with the mRNA jabs, but is not afraid to use the viral vector option. This article aims to simplify the explanation of the difference, and […]
By S.D. Wells
The COVID-19 Dossier incriminates Pfizer even more than you might have realized
A dossier is a file containing detailed records and various documents relating to the affairs of a particular person or subject, and those “affairs” can be medical, criminal, or both. The first part of the word, “dos,” is French with origins in the Latin dorsum, as in the “dorsal” fin on the back of a […]
By S.D. Wells
Virginia doctor’s office posts cardiac death warning sign in window that HEART LAB WORK now required for sports physical if you’ve received any COVID VACCINE
Myocarditis and irregular heart beats are now commonplace for healthy people around the world thanks to the COVID-19 “clot shots,” and even pediatrician offices are posting warning signs in their windows about it. At a Virginia doctor’s office, the sign in the window reads, “COVID Vaccination Affects Your Heart – If You Received Doses of […]
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