News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Jaynes, who penned thrillers exposing the murderous vaccine deep state, found shot to death
Jennifer Jaynes, USA Today bestselling author of Malice and other novels exposing the vaccine deep state, was found shot to death on Monday, November 25th, according to media reports (see links below). Jaynes was a celebrated author whose books achieved USA Today bestseller status. Her novels showcased the criminality, child abuse and deep-rooted fraud of […]
By Mike Adams
Michelle Malkin rises above them all, demands “freedom to question vaccines,” even in the face of extreme medical tyranny and Big Tech censorship
You may have noticed over the last couple of years that many so-called “conservative” publishers have gone all in with the CDC and the vaccine propaganda industry. The Daily Caller, for example, has been caught pushing measles vaccine propaganda. Many other conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity — who otherwise achieve outstanding work […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger: In 2020, I’m going to publicly release a breakthrough, low-cost technology for making your own anti-cancer nanoparticle medicine at home, for pennies
I believe it’s wrong for powerful corporations to “own” medicines. Medicine should belong to the People, and patent protection should be prohibited for all medicines, since such patents only encourage drug companies to maximize profits by keeping people sick (for repeat business, of course). Economies should never be structured around profit incentives for keeping people […]
By Mike Adams
If you oppose GMOs, you must also oppose transgenderism… unless you’re intellectually dishonest
There was a time when “progressives” opposed GMOs and explained that altering Mother Nature was evil. “We must save the seeds,” they said, demanding that no one interfere with plant reproduction, genetic expression and the seeds of life. But all that evaporated when the transgenderism mafia kicked into gear and demanded that progressives abandon biology […]
By Mike Adams
Vaxxed2 documentary producers release devastating information about America’s hidden vaccine injury epidemic: “A war zone” of dead children
The producers of Vaxxed2 — the new vaccine truth documentary highlighted at — joined me at the InfoWars studios for an exclusive interview about the launch of this powerful film that’s set to blow the lid on the epidemic of vaccine injuries that are killing and maiming children across America (and around the world). […]
By Mike Adams
Vaccine industry now running provocateur false flag ops with fake blood to generate headlines painting “anti-vaxxers” as violent terrorists
Remember the Disneyland measles outbreak from a few years ago? According to numerous sources who analyzed the timing of events, that was a false flag operation run by the vaccine industry. They literally incubated measles tissue in low-tech labs then ran around Disneyland smearing measles materials on all the railings and surfaces in order to […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Big Pharma blood pressure drugs found laced with cancer-causing chemical; but FDA says don’t stop taking them
For years, we’ve warned that Big Pharma’s business model is a “repeat business” racket that profits from sickness and disease. We also know that cancer is a multi-billion-dollar industry that generates huge profits from the repeat business of cancer “therapies” such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Now comes news that a popular blood pressure drug sold […]
By Mike Adams
UPS partnering with drug giants to inject you with vaccines in your own home… pilot project a blueprint for nationwide vaccine mandates at gunpoint
Just when you thought corporate America couldn’t get more insane when it comes to medical tyranny, UPS has announced a pilot project to deliver vaccines to your home, then have you injected by “health care professionals” without you ever having to leave your living room. Merck, makers of the risky vaccine Gardasil, is reportedly partnering […]
By Mike Adams
Kids got 11 vaccines in 1986 and 53 in 2017… why? The answer is all about Big Pharma profits
A bombshell video snippet from Del Bigtree (see below) dares to ask the all-important question: Why have the number of vaccines given to children skyrocketed over the last three decades? The answer may shock you. In 1986, Congress passed a law granting legal immunity to vaccine manufacturer, but only for vaccines on the childhood immunization […]
By Mike Adams
The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons denounces mandatory vaccines, citing “no rigorous safety studies”
With vaccine fanaticism having now turned into a dangerous left-wing medical cult, it’s refreshing to hear a medical organization denouncing the dangerous idea of mandatory vaccines. Recently, The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons — an organization that supports vaccines in general — publicly denounced the pursuit of mandatory vaccination enforcement, correctly stating that there […]
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