News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
CORRUPTION and GREED: Trump’s vaccine czar raking in millions in stock profits following public relations propaganda claiming coronavirus vaccine research progress
After previously backing away from vaccines as the “cure all” for America’s pandemic woes, President Trump is now back to pushing a coronavirus vaccine being created by Moderna, and he now absurdly claims this vaccine will save the U.S. economy. Even more disturbingly, Trump’s own “vaccine czar,” a former executive of the criminal felon corporation […]
By Mike Adams
Trump to name vaccine czar; a former executive of a Big Pharma drug giant that admitted to FELONY crimes under $3 billion settlement with DOJ
Trump is about to name a “vaccine czar” to run “Operation Warp Speed,” a fast-track scheme to distribute 300 million untested, unsafe vaccines across America before the end of the year. The person being named to the position is a former executive with GlaxoSmithKline, a criminal corporation that admitted to a large-scale felony bribery scheme […]
By Mike Adams
Big Pharma is rigging everything to make sure approved coronavirus “treatments” don’t actually work at all, while things that do work are discredited or criminalized
The real game plan that’s emerging now in the globalist war against humanity is to criminalize or attack all the things that might work to stop the coronavirus while making sure “gold standard” treatments approved by the FDA are medically worthless. In other words, if something is effective against the coronavirus, it will be discredited […]
By Mike Adams
ANALYSIS: Nearly every person dying from the coronavirus likely has these three things in common
This is an analysis based on current knowledge, not from any published study (yet), but based on everything we know so far, we believe the vast majority of people dying from the coronavirus have one or more of the following things in common: #1) Chronic zinc deficiency, often stemming from over-consumption of processed foods that […]
By Mike Adams
MEDICAL THEATER: Coronavirus test kits rushed into production are FAILING to identify 50 – 70 percent of infected carriers
HIGHLIGHTS: A new wave of coronavirus test kits are missing 50 – 70 percent of infections due to very high rates of false positives. Tens of thousands of these kits are being distributed to clinics across China for on-site testing, producing results in about five hours. The test kits were rushed to market in a […]
By Mike Adams
In an era of Big Tech censorship, Big Pharma intoxication and Big Government surveillance, Soleimani’s death is a “win” for no one… especially not Americans
To those who are celebrating the death of Qasem Soleimani, I ask this simple question: How does his death make you better off in America? The First Amendment in America is just as dead as Soleimani, and no one in government — not even Trump — is lifting a finger to defend and restore online […]
By Mike Adams
Profile of a CIA-funded vaccine propagandist: Lena Sun at the Washington Post attacks natural health pioneers while pimping deadly vaccines
The Washington Post is a CIA front, owned by Jeff Bezos, founder of, who also built much of the CIA’s “private cloud” data processing infrastructure after winning a $600 million contract from the agency in 2013. In the years since, the Washington Post has functioned as pure propaganda, pushing fake “Russia hoax” news, smearing […]
By Mike Adams
Whooping cough outbreak sweeps through Texas school with 100% vaccination rate, PROVING that vaccines don’t work (yet again)
A Texas school that touts a “100% vaccination rate” has been forced to close its doors and send students home after a whooping cough outbreak swept through the school, infecting students who were already vaccinated. The incident proves yet again that vaccines don’t work as advertised, and that infectious disease outbreaks very often occur among […]
By Mike Adams
New calls emerge for “anti-vaxxers” to be thrown in re-education camps while their children are kidnapped and their homes seized
If you disagree with the medical establishment’s lies about vaccines, you have no right to exist in society at all, say pro-vaccine authoritarian tyrants. In case you were wondering what the real plans are for people who oppose the quack science dogma of the vaccine industry and its child murdering vaccine advocates, look no further […]
By Mike Adams
VIDEO: America collapses into a pharma state; just like a “narco state” but run by prescription drug cartels
A “narco state” is a nation where nearly every aspect of society — politics, law enforcement, media, etc. — is controlled by narcotics traffickers. Mexico is a modern-day narco state. America has collapsed into a pharma state, where all the most powerful corporations, regulators and government entities are beholden to pharmaceutical interests. The establishment media […]
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