News & Articles By Vicki Batts
By Vicki Batts
MISSOURI takes steps to ban mercury from vaccines… why won’t California or New York?
State Representative Lynn Morris, hailing from Missouri, made waves earlier this year when she introduced a bill that would prohibit mercury and other metals from being used for any reason in vaccines administered in Missouri public health clinics. The bill, HB 331, would prevent adults and children from being injected with potentially harmful metals for […]
By Vicki Batts
Venezuela’s desperate medicine shortage is having dire effects on its people
The devastation in Venezuela continues to worsen as the country runs short of valuable, life-saving medications and other necessities to keep many of the country’s citizens healthy. The children of Venezuela, in particular, are left vulnerable by the traumatic shortages striking the country. According to the Daily Mail, 85 out of every 100 medications are no […]
By Vicki Batts
CDC Foundation accepts millions of dollars from vaccine manufacturers
The Centers For Disease Control often places a disclaimer on their recommendations that reads, “CDC, our planners, and our content experts wish to disclose they have no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products . . . CDC does not accept commercial support.” This would lead many to believe that the […]
By Vicki Batts
VACCINE STUDY: Peer-reviewed study shows vaccinated children have a 700% higher chance of neurodevelopmental disorder
On Valentine’s Day, a 34-page study that illustrated some of the harmful effects of vaccination was made available for viewing online. Six hours later, the URL had vanished, and the study was seemingly erased from the depths of the internet — likely in the hopes that the “controversial” information it contained would be forgotten. Vaccination […]
By Vicki Batts
Huffington Post caught removing positive reviews of “Vaxxed” documentary
It seems that the Huffington Post has continued to block or censor articles that don’t align perfectly with the media outlet’s views — especially when it comes to the documentary, Vaxxed. Almost exactly one year ago — in April of 2016, the same publication was caught censoring positive reviews of the film about vaccines. Now, the Leftist mainstream media […]
By Vicki Batts
Veterinarian says pet deaths caused by over-vaccination
Hailing from Connecticut, veterinarian Dr. John Robb has been in the business of saving animals and safeguarding their health for over 30 years. Robb has dedicated his life to saving pets, even if it means being ridiculed or being arrested. On one occasion, Robb even lost his clinic — all in the name of defending […]
By Vicki Batts
Big Pharma is quietly convincing Congress that it’s okay to spend $1,000 per day on dangerous pharmaceuticals
Big Pharma has become synonymous with the term “price gouging,” especially over the last few years. The EpiPen incident — when Mylan raised the price of the life-saving drug by more than 500 percent — is truly only the tip of the iceberg; there is much more to come from Big Pharma, and they’re not […]
By Vicki Batts
Yale study warns of vaccine dangers, links immunizations to brain disorders
We’ve all heard about vaccines causing a number of ill effects on the neurological system: Guillain-Barre syndrome, autism, ADHD and other issues. But, could vaccines be having other adverse effects on the brain that aren’t so easily traced? It certainly seems that may be the case. A recent pilot study from Pennsylvania State and Yale […]
By Vicki Batts
Criminalized medicine: Excessive regulation has destroyed American health care
It’s no secret that the United States government often imposes seemingly insurmountable regulations and rules, while also failing to appropriately regulate key areas of industries that serve the public. The FDA is a great example of these two extremes. On the one hand, the FDA is known for doling out life-destroying penalties for relatively innocuous […]
By Vicki Batts
Massive cover-up as thousands of medical studies are found wildly inaccurate
Scientific research is essential for countless applications, so you’d think accuracy and validity would be of utmost importance when one is conducting such experimentation. But apparently, it’s not as important as you’d hope: estimates suggest that between 20 and 36 percent of cell lines used for scientific research are contaminated or misidentified — rendering the […]
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