News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Of course!’s COVID project funded by foundation with nearly 16 percent of its assets in controversial vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson
There is so much that is dirty, underhanded, wrong and just plain unjust when it comes to the Wuhan coronavirus it is nearly impossible to name them all. But that said, a new outrage has been revealed in recent days. Thanks to the due diligence of Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Americans will be alarmed to […]
By JD Heyes
Big Tech now colluding with Big Pharma to keep the truth from Americans as Instagram bans Robert F. Kennedy’s vaccine truths
All American institutions are now wholly ‘owned’ by globalist billionaires who have no loyalty to their country or their fellow citizens; only to profits and control at all costs. Big Tech — Google, YouTube, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter — have all gotten so big they literally control the flow of information that Americans can see. Study […]
By JD Heyes
Vaccine skeptics now being labeled part of “extremist” groups in latest merger of Big Pharma and the police state government
The rise (and success) of President Donald Trump and the threat his tens of millions of supporters pose to the existing establishment order (the deep state) is so immense there is a movement afoot by the powers that be to eliminate them before they grow strong and organized enough to take America back. One of […]
By JD Heyes
Here it comes: If you want to board a plane or travel internationally, you’re going to have to have a COVID “vaccine passport”
If you’re still on the fence about whether governments and big corporations are conspiring to exert maximum control over anyone who isn’t a member of the political and business elite using the COVID-19 pandemic as justification, this should convince you that they are. We’re being led to believe that in order to make the world […]
By JD Heyes
Big Pharma Pfizer conspired with Biden campaign to make sure Trump got NO credit for rapid COVID-19 vaccine
Despite the fact that he’s been president for four years, it’s becoming more and more obvious that Donald Trump hardly made a dent in draining the D.C. Swamp like he promised during his 2016 campaign. Oh, it wasn’t for a lack of trying: One of the reasons why his personnel turnover was so high during […]
By JD Heyes
Did Pfizer and the FDA conspire to withhold vaccine “good news” until AFTER the election, playing politics with the pandemic to harm Trump?
If Joe Biden ends up slinking his way into the White House — with an escort, of course, because he doesn’t know where he is or what he’s saying half the time — we can be certain of a few things. One, he will reverse some of the best Executive Branch policies President Donald Trump […]
By JD Heyes
China drops hint it could blackmail U.S. over pharmaceutical exports as coronavirus that came from them spreads across America
In an article published by Xinhua News, the Chinese Communist Party’s media propaganda outlet, the author suggests that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is spreading farther and faster in the U.S. than the Trump administration is saying. While the article, titled, “Be Bold: The world owes China a Thank You,” also notes that President Trump recently […]
By JD Heyes
It begins: FDA announces first drug shortage with more sure to come since most pharmaceuticals are made in China
Despite the Trump administration’s ongoing efforts to calm jittery Americans who are increasingly concerned about an outbreak of Wuhan coronavirus at home, things keep happening to undermine the White House’s message. Like, for instance, an announcement on Friday by the Food and Drug Administration that the country is already short of a drug thanks to the virus. As The Epoch […]
By JD Heyes
RIPPLE EFFECT: Huge disruptions in pharmaceutical supplies reported in INDIA after Wuhan coronavirus disrupts production in China
As we’ve been reporting now for several weeks, the spreading Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is much worse than the Chinese government has said. There are thousands more infections, according to various reports, and plenty more deaths — so many, in fact, that funeral homes are paying more than $143 an hour in order to attract enough […]
By JD Heyes
Software firm negotiates $145 million settlement in opioid-kickback scheme that’s been called “completely insane”
Earlier in January, Americans who have lost loved ones and friends to opioid overdoses and other related deaths were happy to see a judge sentence the founder of drugmaker Insys to more than five years in federal prison for a scheme to effectively bribe doctors into prescribing more of Subsys, an opioid painkiller made for […]
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